Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama and his Foreigners.

In this political cartoon it shows a person from Libya, Obama dressed in female clothes, and a waitress with a check pad. The person from Libya addresses to Obama that it is a pleasure to have him in Libya because he is trying to help the country out even though it has nothing to do with America. Obama on the other hand is shown off as a guy who is attracted to foreigners which is why he is portrayed as a male in female clothing. The cartoonist has shown that Obama has no reason to be so involved in foreign wars when his own country is in crisis. He has gone into Libya without consulting congress and using the budget money for military to aide in fighting the war. The waiter is asking on who would be paying the check, referring to who will pay for the war when money is gone from the military budget. Americans have enough already on their hands and they would not pay for the war. They want Obama to handle the problems of America instead of interfering into other matters that has no benefit towards them. The cartoonist seems to be having the belief that Obama needs to stop with the foreign wars and start working on making America better. 

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