Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What to cut?

In this political cartoon it depicts the democratic and republican party standing up to Obama about what should not be cut for the deficit reduction. The elephant represents the republican party with a caption saying "Tax cuts and military spending are off the table," which symbolizes what they truly stand for. On the other hand, the donkey representing the democratic party with caption saying "Social security and medicare are off the table," shows that those are the  issues they do not want budget cut off of. Obama, in the political cartoon, is trying to be optimistic and show that they have an empty table on which they need to figure out in which areas they should cut the spending. This political cartoon tries to illustrate the discussion going on about where budget spending should be cut. There are many disagreements among the political parties due to their beliefs on certain issues and topic. Despite the differences between the parties, they have to come up with the areas they will cut spending in order to reduce the budget deficit. 

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